Friday, December 22, 2006

Write a letter to the true Santa Claus - try it!

I recently wrote a short letter to God, it was about my relationship with him and what I wanted for myself, (not on a physical level on a spiritual level). I noticed how much power it gave me and also how much power it has given me to act how I really want to act (to say goodbye to excuses!)

I was reflecting on my spirtual journey, and when I have the courage of our my convictions and share that with the One and only, I recieve a lot, I wanted to blog about this because its such a hidden source, when we become aware, life and our self awareness opens up to bring us closer to our potential - this has been my experience. My suggestion is try it and if you would like to share how you get on, I would be a very open and listening ear.


Anonymous said...

I love the blog that you have. I was wondering if you would link my blog to yours and in return I would do the same for your blog. If you want to, my site name is American Legends and the URL is:

If you want to do this just go to my blog and in one of the comments just write your blog name and the URL and I will add it to my site.


Forgetful God said...

It's funny...I tried something similar to this lately. Not a letter, but a prayer. I've often thought that the best "inner dialog" (prayer) is one that seeks to benefit others. Praying for yourself is often just a reflection of our need to have I thought to myself "God doesn't need anything, but I'm sure it would appreciate the gesture". And so I prayed (I don't, generally). It went something like this "You don't need anything, you don't want anything, and you ARE everything...I just wish you all the best."

nothing special...the words don't matter, but the intention was thankfulness and love. Strangely enough, I felt better for it.

A Forgetful God

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea. I was thinking it would be interesting to write a letter to myself when I was a kid, telling myself how life is going to be. I got the idea from a book, Running From Safety. And if you want a more direct line, try meditation. After several minutes of relaxing, try talking to God and see what answers you get. I have some questions for Henry Ford which I am going to ask tonight after I go to bed.