Thursday, August 03, 2006

Embracing Diversity

I went to a multifaith event on Sunday the theme was "embracing diversity". I know this is currently one of those hot phrases we hear, especially in the corporate world, but it's actually very important that it is there as a "must have" for the world in general. I stopped to think how this embrace goes beyond race and religion, recognising those times when I don't celebrate these differences. Such as, when I come across someone being rude or sharp in their tone and I keep hold of that image of them, and see that moment as defining who they are. Reflecting on this: when I get caught in these "diverse" moments of the day, that seem to be are ever increasing, and I find myself in conflict it's as if life is pleading with me to embrace diversity. To change my attitude so as to not get caught in differences of behaviour; to let go of expectations and let the good wishes flow like a river; to interact with love; to realise that I cannot change anyone and so instead let them feel the embrace of my good wishes and loving feelings as a gift to help them feel better. I know I will feel a lot more united doing this.

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