I read somewhere recently that according to Goethe, the only people who are truly happy are those who are, just like children, made blissful by the smallest things… I couldn’t help but start thinking why it is that children seem to be happier than adults…
It would be nice to feel as happy as a child, wouldn’t it?
They are simple. They have a simple inner life and simple thoughts…they never think hard.
They respond spontaneously, instinctively.
They don’t have the baggage of the past, they don’t have the ability to imagine the future and therefore don’t worry about it. They only live in the present moment, always ready to play.
So is there something that adults are missing out on? How can we make ourselves feel happy?
Well, one thing is definitely obvious: happiness can be experienced only in the present moment! So why should we be stuck in the past or worry about the future? Whenever we live in the past or the future we are actually missing the present moment and if we do it too often we end up missing most of our lives. Is that how we really want to spend our lives? No?
So what are you waiting for, let’s play… just like children would :-)!