Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Don't think!

"Don't think" is not about not thinking. It is about not thinking 'waste', about giving space for oneself. Like a mental zen garden, everything as it should be, delicately placed in perfect composition. It is about enjoying your space. A space filled with fragrance and color, where things are allowed to flourish in their own time. And where time is not the enemy, the drink of patience slowly savored.

Do you feel your life could do with a bit more springtime? I mean, inner springtime. The seeds are there, perhaps you can even see flowers. Life could be lighter. Happiness, rather than pleasure, would bring that constant smile on your face - a taste of permanence. Then one is free from the noises of worry, over-thinking, hurry, agitation, irritation - all of which clog this inner spring like a never-ending traffic-jam. Thoughts repeating like patterns in a wall-paper. Or feelings that travel around in circles. So "don't think" is like going green and not paying congestion charge in your mind. It is a fast from 'junk' thinking, so that you have time to digest the good thoughts, those which bring benefit to you and everybody else. Like redecorating yourself, painting the inner walls, buying new furniture, throwing away old letters, tarnished maps, mouldy stuff. Getting lots of plants, bathing oneself in light. Creating a breathing room to the soul. A place to see and live greatness. Light a star within. Take the lid off your soul!

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