Sunday, July 16, 2006

Here comes the sun…

… and I say It is all right!

Yes, everything looks alright in the summer sun! Sun shinning from 4:30 AM until 9:30 PM! People smile more, come out of their “caves” more and get exposed to life, to the breeze, to the sun… To the “gathering” after work with friends, to the walking/ running/ sitting in the parks…
Everything can be transformed when the mood is good for everyone!
Even the traditional strong and boiling coffee becomes flexible in the summer…. It gets refreshing, mixed with ice and cold milk…. Its' name does not matter: ice coffee, frapuccino, gelaccino…the taste is there… even coffee can’t afford to lose the summer! Let us be refreshed by the breeze, by the iced coffee, by the lemonade or simply by being happy! :- )
Come on guys!! It is summer!! …. Be free…. Be free to be!!!

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