Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Burn or take time out

If you throw a frog into boiling water – what will it do? Jump immediately out. If you throw a frog into cool water and then just continue to increase bit by bit the temperature… what will the frog do? The frog has an amazing capacity to adjust to the temperature of the water. Eventually the frog will die as the water reaches boiling but it is not the boiling water that kills the frog – it is its own temperature that does!

There are a lot of similarities with us. As we are part of a changing world… we continue to find ourselves adjusting and adjusting and adjusting. Adapting ourselves to our surroundings. Where does this so often leave us… burn out!

So, it is important to learn to catch the signs of being stressed (mood swings, irritability, unable to focus the mind, not answering the phone…if I trip over things☺- these are all signs) so that I don’t have burn out. Learning to take time for reflection and set my own pace – where I am not influenced by my external surroundings but where I now can have influence over my surroundings in a positive way.

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