Friday, October 13, 2006

Power of Thought

During the past week I've become more and more aware of the power of thought - and of how when you consciously create and choose to sustain that thought how you begin to create a new reality.

This might sound superficial as I am not someone who has ever been interested in I'm not really one to think about earning lots of money (this thought was/is in fact my hindrance) but I decided a few days ago to change my thinking towards money - it was as if I started to just change the feeling I had towards it...I felt my consciousness expanding and that I was ready for a new period of growth and to welcome a new sense of abundance. Today I received a call from my manager, he told me that he would be giving me a raise...I said that the organisation (which is a charity) didn't have enough money to afford to be giving me a pay rise, but he said that this is irrelevant and that I should be paid more for the work that I'm doing. I have to say I was quite stunned by this - it wasn't a big pay rise but it was something...and simply proved to me that when you begin to remove the 'fear' of having too much abundance...realising that it is actually not 'my' money but that money is energy and so must flow - like love.

Money should flow to us as we need it and then flow from us for the greater good. Don't worry I'm not going to fixate on money:-) but I've decided not to reject it but to welcome it as one would welcome love!

1 comment:

MercurialMike said...

I enjoyed rading your post. I also believe that money is a type of "energy" that can be applied (like other forms of energy) positively or negatively (with consequences), depending on the intentions of the current "owner". It can be used for good or evil. Money in and of itslf is not a "bad" thing.(Wish I had some more! :)