Monday, October 30, 2006


I recently heard that if there is fear inside of you, it's a sign of some form of dishonesty. Just recently I've been discovering the relationship between the two.

I am lucky as I spend each morning at a meditation centre and so all those who are there - even the atmosphere itself- very quickly become a mirror for what needs changing inside. Related to fear and dishonesty a few years ago, on one of my first trips to a retreat centre in India, one of the meditation teachers shared that fear is connected to ego and the need to 'take' from an individual or situation, it's in fact a selfish motive. This was a very liberating idea for me at the time because when you are in the experience of 'fear' you feel a victim and that it is the other person who is making you feel vulnerable, but the fear in fact is self-created. I realised that the cleaner one becomes, the fuller one feels the more ego falls and humility grows and I can begin to live life free from the subtle fears that often stop us from being who we are. I realised that I needed to work deeply on myself - I need to create that level of honesty inside that makes me clean and clear...transparent. For this I need to start today and there that much integrity and cleanliness inside that whatever I the same as I what I the same as what I do?

Oftentimes to be too predictable is considered to be ordinary but I'm starting to like this idea of being that those who know me can guess what I would think/say/do.

Fear, dishonesty, selfishness - these are the things that make us unpredictable not only to others but to ourselves also.

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